From the Tropics for the Tropics

NEWSLETTER - Issue 104 - March 15, 2020

Cross-epidemic: amid apprehension with the coronavirus, authorities warn of the increase in dengue cases

The numbers of dengue cases in the country are expected to grow as the peak of the epidemic occurs between the months of March and May

Rapid and accurate detection of coronavirus is crucial to control the epidemic

A study has demonstrated that Covid-19 was detected in the self-collected saliva of 11 of the 12 surveyed patients

Lassa fever: epidemic kills over 100 in Nigeria in the first months of the year

The number of cases of the disease and the number of deaths continue to increase in the country


New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): more questions than answers

Preliminary data available suggest that transmission of SARS-CoV-2 also occurs during the incubation period and possibly also from infected people who have not developed manifestations, but the frequency has not yet been definitively established


In the shadow of the coronavirus: China records bird flu outbreak

As China's rise to world power continues, the country must fight outbreaks of infectious diseases. The country has made great strides in public health

Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm - PO Box 4356 - Room 43C - 70904-970
Brasilia - DF - Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154

Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Assignment editors:
Alberto Novaes
André Siqueira
Guilherme Werneck
Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis

Denise de Quadros
MTb 8458 DRT/RS

Pedro Costa

Graphics and diagramation:
Leandro Matos