From the Tropics for the Tropics

NEWSLETTER - Issue 114 - January 15, 2020

The best vaccine is the one that is safe and effective

No country will be able to vaccinate its population by choosing a single vaccine

Northeast Consortium: Scientific Committee proposes National Vaccination Commission

Researchers argue that governors from all over the country act together in all scientific discussions, operational dealings and in the definition of a unified vaccination strategy

REDE-TB: a new cooperation style

Synergy of complementarities of REDE-TB paves the way for knowledge transfer to society

MEDTROP-2021: COVID-19 Forum expects to be the biggest stage for post-pandemic discussions

There will be four days with an intense program focused on scientific discussions on 20 main thematic axes

Case report:

Case report: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator prevents sudden death in patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy in the Brazilian Amazon

There are few published records of the occurrence of chagasic cardiomyopathy in the Amazon region, in which, ventricular aneurysms and ventricular tachyarrthythmias have been described; both of these are life-threatening clinical manifestations


Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm - PO Box 4356 - Room 43C - 70904-970
Brasilia - DF - Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154

Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Assignment editors:
Guilherme Werneck
Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Denise de Quadros
MTb 8458 DRT/RS

Pedro Costa

Graphics and diagramation:
Leandro Matos