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From the Tropics for the Tropics

Português: English:

NEWSLETTER - Issue 132 - July 15, 2022

High lethality virus resurfaces in Brazil after 20 years

Two new cases of sabia virus (SABV) infection have been identified using metagenomics in patients with suspected severe yellow fever

Anvisa approves first kit for molecular diagnosis of Chagas disease

NAT Chagas Kit brings together all the compounds necessary for the identification of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA

Despite representing a major health problem, either due to the difficulty in diagnosis or treatment, mycoses remain neglected

In Brazil, systemic mycoses are not included in the national list of diseases of compulsory notification and are not subject to routine epidemiological surveillance


Neglected tropical dermatology in Ghana, medical alert

Statistics show how severe the skin condition is increasing. According to Mr. Sam Stephen Dodoo, the situation is devastating and needs urgent discussion

Case Report

Centipede envenomation (Chilopoda)

Centipede bites are part of the popular imagination as serious and potentially fatal envenomations, but this is not the reality observed in the reported cases

good science

Rationale of using the dual chemokine receptor CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor cenicriviroc for the treatment of COVID-19

Potent cross-reactive antibodies following Omicron breakthrough in vaccinees

Measuring the availability of human resources for health and its relationship to universal health coverage for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine in children aged 6-17 years: a preliminary report of COV006, a phase 2 single-blind, randomised, controlled trial

Prolonged viral suppression with anti-HIV-1 antibody therapy

The role of NSP6 in the biogenesis of the SARS-CoV-2 replication organelle

Combination anti-HIV antibodies provide sustained virological suppression

Efficacy of a spatial repellent for control of Aedes-borne virus transmission: A cluster-randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru

Bronchial epithelia from adults and children: SARS-CoV-2 spread via syncytia formation and type III interferon infectivity restriction

Reaction hijacking of tyrosine tRNA synthetase as a new whole-of-life-cycle antimalarial strategy


Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm - PO Box 4356 - Room 43C - 70904-970
Brasilia - DF - Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154

Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Assignment editors:
Alda Maria Da-Cruz
Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Denise de Quadros
MTb 8458 DRT/RS

Pedro Costa

Graphics and diagramation:
Leandro Matos