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Newsletter - Issue 16
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
November 15, 2012

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Aids: Vertical transmission rate is high despite being easily preventable

According to PMTCT protocols and effectiveness of procedures it is possible to prevent contamination to babies

According to recent Ministry of Health (MoH) data, the annual number of new cases of aids in Brazil has stopped growing. However, this figure is still worryingly high, around 38,000. "We have strongly reduced transmission from pregnant women to babies and its death rate in recent years", said the Health Minister Alexandre Padilha in a statement released on World Aids Day (december 1).

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The Fact that Brazilian researchers submitted significant number of studies in PL0S (364) reveals the potential and significant interest from the Brazilian scientific community in tropical diseases

Articles by Brazilian researchers are among those most published by international

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, of the Public Library of Science, has highlighted that Brazil is number two in the world, in the ranking of countries that most submit scientific articles for publication in the journal, behind the United States.

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It must be recognized that the aids epidemic is not under control. It is estimated that there are 540,000 people with the virus in Brazil and about 130,000 who do not know they are infected

demand new strategies to
combat aids
in Brazil

Health Minister Alexandre Padilha invited researchers and members of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dealing with aids, to meet in Brasilia to discuss the direction of national aids policy. Among the main themes of the meeting...

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SBMT site gets record number of accesses

The qualification of the content is a communication strategy that encourages browsing in search of information, bringing members increasingly close to the SBTM services

On November 20, the website of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (SBMT) achieved its highest number of visits since the debut of the portal, recording 300 hits. The first peak was on March 15, 2012, with 232 visits.

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Even after the discovery of the vaccine, tuberculosis still kills and requires new actions warns Dr. Carlos Perez-Velez

Results of susceptibility/resistance to drugs that currently exist will help guide Brazil on how to develop laboratory capacity and diagnostic strategies

Despite advances, tuberculosis in Brazil is the fourth leading cause of death from infectious diseases and the first among AIDS patients. According to the Ministry of Health, in 2011, US$ 74 million was invested in coping with the disease, compared with US$ 5.2 million in 2002.

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From this December issue on, the section MedTrop World will have a new format. In order to improve readability, our publication will highlight just some news in the newsletter and provide a link to a specially created page on the SBMT website. On this page, readers will have access to all of the selected news links for the month.


Motorcycle accidents increased 100%

SUS will provide '3 in 1' anti Aids pill from 2013

Award-winning Portuguese study on protective mechanism against malaria

Scientists report injectable formulation of malaria parasites achieve controlled infection

Epidemia de sida estable en Latinoamérica, con más acceso a tratamientos

Depression: An Epidemic Among the Poverty-Stricken

Below is a selection of for this month of december of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

Genome hyperevolution and the success of a parasite.

Barry JD, Hall JP, Plenderleith L.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 Sep;1267:11-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06654.x.
PMID: 22954210 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3467770 Free PMC Article

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See more Publications

24 March 2013

Third Global Forum on TB Vaccines, Cape Town, South Africa

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13 a 17 de Maio de 2013

Worldleish 5 – V Congresso Mundial de Leishmaniose, Porto de Galinhas/PE

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19-23 May 2013

13th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine, Maastricht, The Netherlands

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10 de setembro de 2013

8th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and Internacional Health, Copenhagen

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10 de setembro de 2013

5th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology, Copenhagen

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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UNB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm
sbmt@sbmt.org.br | PO Box 4356 | Room 43C - 70904-970 | Brasilia - DF | Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154

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