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Newsletter - Issue 30
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
January 15, 2014

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Tropical countries: 2013 Medical personality points poverty and education as challenges

Besides poverty and corruption, some tropical countries, as Brazil, do not take basic education seriously and, thus, have an awful quality public health and an embarrassing HDI

"Medicine in tropical countries is not more difficul that in others. The great problem of some countries' is poverty – this is not Brazil's case, which is basically rich, it is the 7th economy in the world". The affirmative comes from Dr. Jose Rodrigues Coura, chief of the Parasitary Diseases Laboratory from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (Fiocruz/RJ).

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In tropical countries, many times, the real impact of mood disorders remains obscure, due to the existence of diseases considered more severe, such as AIDS and malaria

Sad tropics?

A recent study published in the PLoS Medicine points the need to consider depression as a relevant public health issue. The theme opens a discussion: are tropical and poor countries less happy? The question raises doubts, once the process to reach a depression diagnostic in poor countries is slower, besides...

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Considering cholera's behavior it is impossible to avoid the disease to entering an area, but the propagation can be prevented with opportune detection and confirmation

Cholera: impossible to avoid introduction, admits Health Ministry

Since 2010, when the first cases of cholera begun to appear in Haiti, nearly 700 thousand cases and over 8 thousand deaths were registered, only in the...

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Indian study reinforces the importance of finding a new drug against leishmaniasis

Indian province records high leishmaniasis incidence and the population is highly resistant to the treatment: the cause could be the presence of arsenic in the consumed water

Unlike Brazil, where the dog is the major leishmaniasis transmitter, in the Indian state Bihar, the parasites are transmitted from person to person through the bite of a small fly. The problem is that, as in Brazil and other poor and tropical countries, the lack of infrastructure and favorable environment ensures the development of the sandflies – the disease's transmitter.

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By the BSTM Directory

Animal experimentation

Researchers are aware and as concerned as the protection associations in finding alternatives for investigation other than animal experimentation

During the last months, several voices started a controversial debate about using animals in scientific experimentation. The matter gained national and international attention, since, in Sao Paulo, an activist group entered the Royal Institute to free Beagle dogs which were being used in researches...

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Below is a selection of for this month of january of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

Genetic and molecular basis of drug resistance and species-specific drug action in schistosome parasites.

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Shattuck Lecture. Chronic infectious disease and the future of health care delivery.

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Community-based approaches and partnerships: innovations in health-service delivery in Bangladesh.

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Gut microbiota: Please pass the microbes.

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16 a 19 de june de 2014

International Congress on advances in the discovery of new drugs and therapies

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16 a 18 de july de 2014

International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management

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10 a 15 de august de 2014

Congresso International de Parasitologia
Cidade do México

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2 a 6 de Nov. de 2014

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 63rd Annual Meeting - 2014
New Orleans, USA

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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm
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