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Newsletter - Issue 43
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
February 15, 2015

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Tests evaluate the technology that could stop mosquitos from transmitting dengue fever

In 2015, there is the expectation of a tetravalent vaccine, protecting against each serotype, applied in three yearly doses

One of the greatest challenges fighting dengue fever is surely avoiding the proliferation of the transmitting mosquito, the Aedes aegypti. The insect, main target of prevention campaigns is also responsible for the transmission of diseases as chikingunya and yellow fever. Despite being stereotyped as a “villain” in Brazil, technologies that are being tested throughout the world could cease the insect’s fame.

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Study reveals ancient battle between immune system and infectious diseases

The bacteria that most cause meningitis – Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis – attack only one part, especially the one that developed faster, what troubles the iron sequestration from the transferrin

Some 40 million years. This is the estimated time that primates and pathogenic bacteria have been in an evolutionary battle.

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Intestinal parasites already existed among the native Americans since the pre-historical period. Worm species from these times have even been identified in Brazilian states as Minas Gerais and Piaui

European colonization increased the dissemination of parasitic diseases in the Americas

It has been known that great part of the American populations were destroyed due to diseases brought by Europeans during the colonization period as well as due to some already existing epidemics in the region. Now, a study in progress shows that the immigration of Europeans and Africans (mostly slaves) to the “New World” also contributed...

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Researches show that the greater protection happens when the pill is associated to other safety methods

Aids: New preventive drug does not incentive to stop condom use

For some people, using condoms during sex is difficult, whether for the loss of sensitivity, pleasure or even allergy. The lack of alternatives for preventing STDs, in these cases, many times leads to the complete or partial stop of condom use, what is worrying in high HIV vulnerable populations. This is the reason why in countries as the USA and Canada, local governments have encouraged these citizens to use a new...

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Below is a selection of for this month of february of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

Demedicalizing AIDS prevention and treatment in Africa

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Treating millions for HIV--the adherence clubs of Khayelitsha

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Thesis suggests new alternative for malaria treatment in the Amazon

Pros for drug association: lower daily drug ingestion, active substance have high effectiveness and the pediatric formulation

The parasite known as Plasmodium vivax, the species that causes most malaria cases in the Amazon, has as its greatest...

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March 15 and 20 - 2015

Co-Infection: A Global Challenge for Disease Control

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May 31 and 03 june - 2015

4th World Conference on Research Integrity - Rio de Janeiro

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June 14 and 17 - 2015

LI Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine

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September 25 and 30 - 2016

XXV International Congress of Entomology

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