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Newsletter - Issue 46
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
May 15, 2015

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Brazil is unable to purchase tests for latent tuberculosis for over a year

Dr. Croda represented the BSTM in a workshop by Rede TB, which works along with the WHO to build a national research agenda to serve as model to the rest of the world

Currently Brazil is the 17th place among those with most cases of the disease. With disease records...

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Preliminary results of study on dengue in children will be presented in the Medtrop 2015

In 2007, children responded for 65% of the total severe cases in the Northeast. During the 2008 epidemic, in Rio de Janeiro, 42% of the deaths involved people under 15 years-old

A current study in Manguinhos Fiocruz, in Rio de Janeiro, which aims to estimate the virus’ incidence in the region...

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Out of 14 analyzed studies, 11 were unable to demonstrate significant effects because the result’s precision was damaged by the small number of donors within the profile

Research evaluates restriction for homosexuals to donate blood

A research conducted by the Belgium Red Cross contests the restriction for men who have sex with men to donate blood – a rule in at least 50 countries. The institution’s Evidence-based Practice Center conducted a kind of literature revision on the matter and concluded that, despite the existence of a connection between homosexual blood donors and HIV infection, the application of a prohibition policy is...

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Among the speakers is Peter Agre, head of the Malaria Research Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, Nobel Prize winner in 2003

Subscriptions for international course on malaria in Sao Paulo close on the 31st

An international course about one of the main tropical diseases of thee days, malaria, will be held in the Sao Paulo University (USP) from September 22nd to October 2nd, 2015. At no cost, the course Sao Paulo School of Advanced Sciences presents Science of Eradication: Malaria, will be presented in English and offers 100 seats, half of these for Brazilian students.

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Below is a selection of for this month of may of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

Virology. Mutation rate and genotype variation of Ebola virus from Mali case sequences

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Trial of early, goal-directed resuscitation for septic shock

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Study shows that sickle cell trait protects against severe malaria cases

The head of the Malaria Pathogenesis and Human Immunity Unit at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Rick Fairhurst, reported that children with sickle cell trait presented a greater reduction in the rick to acquire the disease

North-American researchers discovered that certain traits of children’s red cells could increase or decrease the risk of malaria infection. The report, made by members of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases - NIAID, from the USA, could assist the identification of future targets for new drugs and vaccines...

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May 14 and 17 May - 2015

I Conference North / Northeast of Neglected and Reemerging Diseases

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May 30 and 03 June - 2015

4th World Conference on Research Integrity

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June 14 and 17 - 2015

LI Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine

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September 25 and 30 - 2016

XXV International Congress of Entomology

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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm
sbmt@sbmt.org.br | PO Box 4356 | Room 43C - 70904-970 | Brasilia - DF | Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154