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Newsletter - Issue 55
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
February 15, 2016

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City under typhoid outbreak needs sanitation intervention, researchers say

A vaccine to prevent the disease in the city is currently being studied and should be taken to the Health Ministry

A typhoid outbreak has put the people from Breves (PA), a city in the Marajo group of islands, under alert. The disease, is indeed, endemic in the region, especially due to the terrible sanitation conditions. According to doctor Haroldo Matos, investigator at the Evandro Chagas Institute, the problem can only be solved with a massive intervention project. "Something as the 'Pará azul' (Blue Pará) project, as what happened in Salvador with the Bahia azul (Blue Bahia) project [a set of actions and constructions in sanitation and environment since the 1970s].

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Outbreak control in the site is difficult especially due to the poor sanitation conditions and rainfall

Cholera: MSF claims the scientific community for help in the world's largest refugee camp

A cholera outbreak in a refugee camp in Dadaab, Northeast Kenya, threatens the lives of thousands of people. According to the Doctors Without Borders Organization (MSF), 1.2 thousand cholera cases were reported leading to 11 deaths since the beginning of the outbreak, in last November. The organization expects the scientific community to engage in more fundings. "The scientific community can ...

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The use of the drug in cattle must be introduced in Kenya, where 37 from the 48 local counties, home to about 11 million people, are infested with the tsetse fly

Scientists reveal method to control sleeping sickness propagation

The sleeping sickness causative agent, Trypanosoma brucei, may be each time closer to becoming rare in Sub-Saharan Africa. A low-cost drug, tested in about 500 thousand bovines, in Uganda, was able to successfully kill the parasite and reduce by 90% the cases of the disease in humans. People living in rural areas are the most likely to develop the disease, since bovines act as hosts for Trypanosoma brucei. The infection is often transmitted from cattle to...

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Flaws in epidemiological disease and vector surveillance affect public health actions

For Dr. Pedro Tauil, factors as urban population explosion in the world reduce the effectiveness of combat actions against the Aedes aegypti

Controlling diseases transmitted by insects that still do not have vaccines or effective and safe etiological treatment...

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'Super condom' could increase pleasure at affordable prices

Doctor Mahua Choudhury explains that more financial support is necessary to make the product reach the shelves

A condom that doesn't use latex, that could help – a lot – to combat the HIV and even increase sexual pleasure. By the way, it could cost a single penny. Is this possible? A work developed by doctor Mahua Choudhury, from the Texas University Health Sciences Center...

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Of 1 march 2016 the March 2, 2016

National and international researchers discuss the Zika virus and microcephaly at Fiocruz PE

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Of June 1, 2016 the June 06, 2016

II FAMERP-UTMB: Emerging infections in the Americas

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September 18 and 22 - 2016

International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria 2016

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September 25 and 30 - 2016

XXV International Congress of Entomology

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