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Newsletter - Issue 78
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
January 15, 2018

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Tuberculosis: We must join forces to face this global threat

To address the problem, the Health Ministry launched in 2017 the National Plan to End Tuberculosis

The recent 2017 world report on tuberculosis, presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that worldwide, nearly 1,7 million people died in 2016 as an outcome of the disease. From these, 374 thousand also had AIDS. From the...

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Even as a proposition to be a scientific promotion piece, the book proposes new concepts created in the authors' reflections and interdisciplinary approach

"Images, Microbes and Mirrors" proposes to explain paradigms of different knowledge fields with concepts established in immunology and neuroscience

Launched in December, the book "Images, Microbes and Mirrors", by professors Claudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro and Yuri Chaves Martins, permeates the immune and neural systems. The idea goes back to when the team lead by Professor Daniel-Ribeiro, from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute...

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The BJTM is ranked as the third national journal in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine. In Infectious and Parasitic Diseases it is ranked 11th in the world when the option "Tropical Medicine" is used

Is the next challenge for the JBSTM to increase its Qualis-Capes?

In 2017, the impact factor of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (JBSTM) raised from 0,949 to 1,161 (Thompson Reuters). This concept (impact factor) recently became extensively used by science fostering organs in Brazil. Consequently, it acquired power over Brazilian science quality, the career of national researchers and the relevance over Brazilian scientific journals. Associate Editor of the...

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According to Ulisses Confalonieri, globalization increased emerging diseases' transmission speed

In order to avoid becoming hostages of virus and bacteria that seem to rule the world, we must promote healthy habits and preserve the environment

A research by the World Health Organization on deaths by tropical neglected diseases in Brazil, between 2000 and 2011...

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Acute febrile syndromes: Sabine Dittrich explains which tools are necessary

As head of this new malaria and fever program, I am in charge of developing the integrated strategy and supervising the actual delivery of the organization's work in both fields

The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) faces the lack of diagnostics for the main global health challenges, as tuberculosis, malaria and non-malarial fevers, HIV and neglected tropical diseases. While developing the fever strategy, FIND focuses...

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Below is a selection of for this month of january of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

10 Most Important Infectious Disease Stories of 2017: Outbreak News Today

A new substance is able to cure Tuberculosis effectively: Research

Fast, Cheap Testing for Tuberculosis? Soon It May Be Possible

Child who contracted human rabies receives experimental treatment in Manaus

Santa Catarina has the greatest number of cases of meningococcal disease in the last eight years

Seven Chagas' disease cases are reported in a city of Amazon

Kidney Diseases Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

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Tubular Opacities in the Gastrointestinal Tract

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Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Assignment editors:
Alberto Novaes
André Siqueira
Carlos Henrique Nery Costa
Guilherme Werneck
Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis

Denise de Quadros
MTb 8458 DRT/RS

Pedro Costa

Graphics and diagramation:
Leandro Matos

From 02 to 09 February 2018

VI Curso de Verão em Biologia Molecular e Genômica

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From 22 to 24 February 2018


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From 02 to 05 Setember 2018

54º MedTrop – Congress Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine

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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm
sbmt@sbmt.org.br | PO Box 4356 | Room 43C - 70904-970 | Brasilia - DF | Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154