
Publicações relacionadas a Medicina Tropical no mês de JaneiroPublications related to Tropical Medicine in January


Abaixo, segue a seleção deste mês de janeiro das publicações relacionadas à Medicina Tropical dos periódicos internacionais de maior impacto.

Neutrophil count in African mothers and newborns and HIV transmission risk
A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants

Platelet factor 4 and Duffy antigen required for platelet killing of Plasmodium falciparum
Immunology. Platelets kill the parasite within

Parasites OR tropics OR tropical OR neglected OR hiv OR motorcycle AND Science (New York, N.Y.)[Journal]
Click here to view complete results in PubMed (Results may change over time.)

Below is a selection of for this month of january of publications related to Tropical Medicine from important international journals.

Neutrophil count in African mothers and newborns and HIV transmission risk
A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants

Platelet factor 4 and Duffy antigen required for platelet killing of Plasmodium falciparum
Immunology. Platelets kill the parasite within 

Parasites OR tropics OR tropical OR neglected OR hiv OR motorcycle AND Science (New York, N.Y.)[Journal]
Click here to view complete results in PubMed (Results may change over time.)

**Esta reportagem reflete exclusivamente a opinião do entrevistado.**