Pró-Vacinas na Mídia
Nosso banco de dados sobre o tema será constantemente alimentado com notícias que repercutem nacional e internacionalmente.
- https://gulfnews.com/opinion/
op-eds/anti-vaxxers-are- taking-populism-to-a-new- deadly-level-1.63588606 - https://twitter.com/
peterhotez/status/ 1122851958371565569?s=12
- Revelado: populistas são muito mais propensos a acreditar em teorias da conspiração
Good luck Australia. Sending good vibes your way. PSA to those traveling to the Southern Hemisphere – #Flu season runs from April to September down under. Make sure you are vaccinated! #FightFlu #SafeTravels #VaccinesWork @somedocs @Vaccinologist @VaccinesToday @NursesWhoVax https://t.co/eNLMljBkfc
— Gretchen LaSalle, MD (@GretchenLasalle) April 30, 2019
It’s still just April. https://t.co/R2tBsp0xZa
— Science News (@ScienceNews) April 30, 2019
Last week, the number of measles case hit a record high for 21st century. Dr. @PeterHotez spoke to @NBCNews about what this means for patients now and later. https://t.co/JVW9vBuVPq #measles
— BCMHouston (@bcmhouston) April 29, 2019
Unfortunately, the next US President is going to have to say more than "vaccines are good". The 2020 White House will inherit an unprecedented mess from more or less two decades of allowing the #antivax lobby to run unopposed & unchallenged, now leading to the return of #measles https://t.co/fswYxB01vl
— Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) May 1, 2019
Rotavirus used to fill our inpatient units certain times of the year. Within a year of the Rotavirus vaccine, we had zero cases in our community! #IVax2Protect https://t.co/MzFH6ExrfO
— Dr. Elizabeth Murray (@DocEMurray) April 30, 2019
As I join colleagues at the @WHO headquarters to discuss data tools for monitoring vaccine demand (and hesitancy), I am inspired by this tribute to smallpox eradication opposite WHO entrance. Reminding us of the art of the possible. pic.twitter.com/W5rcN4iB6H
— Saad B. Omer (@SaadOmer3) May 1, 2019
The new normal? Organizations that house populations in confined areas, e.g. cruise ships, colleges, might consider requiring proof of vaccinations as an entry requirement. This could reduce the need to quarantine for some vaccine preventable infections? https://t.co/Yj3TbajlvO
— Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) May 1, 2019
**Esta reportagem reflete exclusivamente a opinião do entrevistado.**I just published #Flu vaccine protection in adults: it’s better than you think https://t.co/vclKNachRX
— ??? ? ??????, ??? ???? (@MackayIM) May 1, 2019