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Newsletter - Issue 62
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
September 15, 2016

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Treatment for dogs with VL with Milteforan® is authorized

The treatment was forbidden when the products had no registry in the ministries or when were intended for human use

During the near 103 years of Visceral Leishmaniasis history in the Americas, Veterinary Medicine has evolved very much, especially regarding diagnosis and prevention. The encounter of an exclusively veterinary use drug, registered at the Agriculture, Livestock and Supply Ministry (MAPA), with clinical and laboratory effectiveness and, overall that blocks a transmission is an important milestone to close a discussion that already lasts...

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The publication is very useful for physicians and other health professionals, as well as for students seeking knowledge completion in the theme

Doctor Luiz José de Sousa announces the release of book about dengue, zika and chikungunya during the 52nd MedTrop

In 2016 alone, 1,345 million people were affected by dengue in Brazil, 165.9 thousand by zika and 137 thousand by chikungunya. Predictions point to a larger number next year. These three very socially relevant severe pathologies associated to public health are theme to the book "Dengue, Zika and...

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Despite new advances during the last decade, some countries have once again reported increases in infection rates, especially among the youngest

2016 International AIDS conference will be remembered as the beginning of the PrEP era

During the 5 days the 21st International Aids Conference took place in Durban (South Africa), about 15 thousand people died worldwide. This statement was said during the closing ceremony by the new IAS president (International Aids Society), South-African Linda Gall-Becker. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) show over 37 million people are infected by the HIV in the world. Although the...

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‘More Doctors Program’: the most audacious social action since the National Immunization Program

The program, as described, can efficiently help control tropical diseases by implementing major local impact interventions

More Doctors for Brazil Program (PMMB) is more than simply allocating doctors in the Country's poor regions: it is an ambitious program to strengthen the entire population's primary health attention, prioritizing extremely poor regions, indigenous sanitary districts and high socially vulnerable regions, as the large cities'...

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Dr. Quique Bassat’s work aims at reducing the intolerable impact of infectious diseases in children’s health

Child health in tropical countries is still a great challenge. Innovation and research are crucial to manage this huge problem with creativity

Long known among tropical diseases, malaria still gathers efforts from different countries for its eradication. During the 52nd Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (MedTrop)...

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September 18 and 22 - 2016

International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria 2016

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September 19 and 21 - 2016

3rd Force Health Protection Congress 2016

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September 25 and 30 - 2016

XXV International Congress of Entomology

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October 25 and 28 - 2016

Entomol - VI Workshop Genetics and Molecular Biology of insect vectors of tropical diseases

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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm
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