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Newsletter - Issue 68
Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
March 15, 2017

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Science, health and education will be at the service of the Brazilian society, says Fiocruz's new president

I intend to strengthen Fiocruz's role in health scientific and technological development, considering it should be guided by a sovereign Country's project, overcoming inequalities and increasing social rights

Some 75% of the Brazilian population relies on the public health system, and this dependence can reach 90% in cases of chronic diseases and cancer treatments. There are also activities such as surveillance and immunization, among others, which reach 100% of the population.

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The trend among all researchers, encouraged by graduate studies, is to seek high IF journals and thus greater Qualis indexes

There are no incentives to publish on Brazilian journals, says scientist

The impact factor (IF) was created aiming to measure the quality of scientific journals. Today, its use is very diverse from what Eugene Garfield had in mind, since, besides measuring a journal's influence and quality; it became a tool to measure the researcher's reputation and prestige. "Clearly, this model of science measurement must be revaluated, at risk of having a science evaluated from a completely artificial method...

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How many deaths in east Minas Gerais State could have been avoided if there was quality surveillance?

Yellow fever, visceral leishmaniasis, etc.: where is the medical entomology?

Many new diseases arose in Brazil lately, as Chikungunya and Zika, and old diseases, as visceral leishmaniasis and yellow fever in surprising places as Porto Alegre and east Minas Gerais, respectively. New measures are needed to understand and solve these issues, which include assessing the pathogenic agent's vector distribution and incidence. In order to achieve this, at least, there must be qualified personnel for several areas...

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Travelers’ unfamiliarity with yellow fever vaccine requirement is a reality

The great fear is that YF becomes urban due to the urban vectors, Aedes aegypti, high-density rates; the vector also transmits other diseases as dengue, CHIKV and Zika

Depending on the trip's destination, some cautions should be taken about the risks of sickening and some measures should be taken before travelling, as yellow fever vaccine...

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Tuberculosis: a disease of the poor

So civil society can play a very important role, creating pressure, advocacy and giving a clear and strong message. We need to raise the profile of this disease all together

Tuberculosis is mainly a social problem: it is related to extreme poverty and spreads easily in crowded places, where light is dimmer and air barely circulates. In Brazil, the four vulnerable populations are the homeless, prison inmates, HIV patients and indigenous populations, who usually live in poverty situations and are three times as susceptible to become infected.

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From 16 to 20 May 2017

World Congress on Leishmaniasis (WorldLeish 2017)

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From 11 to 14 june 2017

6th International Conference of Research on Plasmodium vivax malaria

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From 3 to 6 September 2017

XXV Brazilian Congress of Parasitology

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From 12 to 15 Setember 2017


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Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine - Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm
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