NEWSLETTER - Issue 87 - October 15, 2018

Diversity of topics relevant to the Brazilian public health was featured in 2018 MedTrop

This year’s Medtrop theme was “Communicable diseases, prediction and challenges to face new and old epidemics”. The event gathered the tropical community of 13 countries of four continents

MedTrop satellite events: opportunity to bring together researchers from Brazil and from abroad

Participation in satellite events that occurred simultaneously to the Congress expanded participation and made possible for groups to integrate

Ebola: new outbreaks increase risk of spread of the virus

WHO warns of threats to humanitarian response to the Congo Ebola epidemic

Parasitas responsáveis pela leishmaniose são adquiridos principalmente da pele, explica o pesquisador Dr. Carlos Henrique Costa

Pesquisas recentes salientam que o sangue não é a fonte principal de parasitas para os flebotomíneos Novas informações trazem um avanço significativo no entendimento da leishmaniose


President of MedTrop 2018, Dr. Sinval Pinto Brandão Filho, celebrates record number of participants

Congress promoted a broad programming on topics relevant to society, bringing together national and international scientific community to discuss various issues related to communicable diseases and how to face them

Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
Center for Tropical Medicine - UnB
Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 14pm to 18pm - PO Box 4356 - Room 43C - 70904-970
Brasilia - DF - Phone/Fax: (61) 3307-1154

Carlos Henrique Nery Costa

Assignment editors:
Alberto Novaes
André Siqueira
Carlos Henrique Nery Costa
Guilherme Werneck
Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis

Denise de Quadros
MTb 8458 DRT/RS

Pedro Costa

Graphics and diagramation:
Leandro Matos